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Une pomme pour le prof hi-tech!
--> Article du Scotsman

Utilisons des ipods en classe de langue!

Voici un extrait d'un article du journal écossais, le Scotsman, du 2 novembre 2005, sur l'utilisation des ipods (2ème génération! avec écran) en classe de langue dans une école où j'ai moi-même enseigné durant l'année scolaire 2004-2005. La professeur de français-italien interviewée, Jenny Dowling, est une amie et une ancienne collègue du département des langues vivantes. Elle a testé avec ses élèves des utilisations originales du ipod et a trouvé de nombreux usages intéressants pour l'apprentissage des langues: enregistrement des dialogues entre élèves, révision des dialogues sonores à la maison, enregistrement de vidéo mettant en scène des locuteurs natifs... bref, en voilà une nouvelle technologie à inclure dans la palette des TICE appliquées à l'enseignement/apprentissage des langues étrangères! Merci Jenny! Et vive les Ecossais!

"An Apple for the hi-tech teacher


PUPILS at an Edinburgh high school are to become the first in Scotland to use the latest must-have gadget, the iPod, in the classroom as part of a ground-breaking project.

The Scotsman can reveal that Apple, the company that makes the hand-held music and video players, has agreed to give 50 state-of-the-art iPods to Gracemount High School to be used in lessons by pupils and teachers.

A second-year class has been chosen to take part in the project and every pupil will receive their own iPod, as will each subject teacher, all of whom have undergone special training.

Experts say the iPod can be used to record lessons, allowing pupils to study them at home, listen to audio books, keep an up-to-date record of their homework assignments and download video lessons directly from the internet.

Jenny Dowling, a modern languages teacher at the school, said she was excited at the "limitless" possibilities offered by the iPod.

She said: "It will make the lessons much more fun and if kids are having fun then they will learn so much more.

"The pupils are really into iPods anyway, so if we are going to be able to use them in the classroom they are actually going to be looking forward to their lessons, which is great.

"I teach French and Italian and it will enable us to record the kids having conversations using the iPod and they will then be able to go home at night and practice.

"They can also download videos of people in France having a conversation in a café for instance and then they can watch that to improve their vocabulary and their language skills - it's fantastic. And if a pupil is absent, they will be able to transfer what they missed from a friend's iPod on to theirs, so they don't actually miss anything.

"We're just about to start using them, but the possibilities are limitless, so we'll no doubt find lots more uses for them along the way."...

Lire la fin de l'article:

A bientôt,

Raphaël Marchand


Ecrit par raphmarchand, le Dimanche 25 Février 2007, 18:32 dans la rubrique "Actualités".

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